Hospice Services At Home TLC
Hospice Services at Home TLC Ltd is a charity supporting adults with life-limiting conditions who are isolated and those with family carers in their own homes in Hampshire, Surrey and West Sussex. TLC is a registered charity, TLC stands for Tending, Listening and Comforting. The charity provides volunteers to support and befriend local people and it also provides FREE complementary therapies. Ongoing donations to ensure the future of the charity are still important: click here to see HOW TO GIVE.
The services offered by TLC:
Volunteers who provide befriending and practical support for individuals and their carers, respite time, practical assistance and more
Our service professionals
The charity employs a team of part time staff; a Volunteer Service Manager, a PR & Marketing Co-Ordinator and more
A WONDERFUL DAY OUT FOR FRED. TLC Volunteer from Farnborough, Tessa, visits Fred 87 in Cove, who has Dementia. During several of her visits he continuously expressed a strong desire to visit Carshalton to see where he grew up. Tessa decided that she would like to make his dream come true. So she organised a special day out. As part of TLC’s fundraising initiative, there is some money put aside especially to give those receiving befriending and support a visit to family or a special day out. Tessa was slightly concerned he might be confused or agitated, but not a bit of it. Initially Fred did not recognise where he was but then when they got to his old house he recognised it and all his old memories came flooding back. He loved seeing the place and had a good look at the road and surrounding area. He was so happy to have his photo taken and did not seem to mind the long drive back. He was so chuffed and grateful for his wonderful day out.
Four new volunteers recently attended an induction workshop day at the Alton Maltings Centre. Jan Allen and Debra Covington-Hole from TLC went through the role of a volunteer and all the procedures needed to be addressed before joining the TLC Volunteer Team. Additional training days are then held by TLC on specialist subjects such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and nutrition. These are open to volunteers and TLC's client carers. Comments from the new volunteers about the workshop day were "well led, time flew, great fun" "friendly, informative and open", a great day, good balance of fact and discussion; very enjoyable" TLC volunteers are supported along the way and many find volunteering fun and can lead to new friendships and experiences. So welcome to Kue, Emily, Mary and Janice.
Director Trustee of TLC Duncan Sherriffs met with the Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP for South West Surrey and Secretary of State for Health recently. Jeremy was impressed with the positive impact TLC has on beneficiaries, carers and volunteers in his constituency and beyond. Jeremy was supportive of TLC's funding model looking to combine both private funding and public partnerships.
Thank you for coming to our house - you made an important contribution to those last days 
Click here to see more testimonials
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Big Lottery Fund
Our charity is supported by a grant from the Big Lottery Fund which covers the recruitment and training of staff and volunteers.